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  • Margaret Page

Here are 10 common faux pas in business manners that you should avoid

  1. Arriving Late: Arriving late for meetings or appointments shows a lack of respect for other people's time. Always make sure to arrive on time or even a few minutes early.

  2. Interrupting Others: Interrupting others while they are speaking is a sign of rudeness and a lack of consideration. Wait for the person to finish speaking before sharing your thoughts.

  3. Using Your Phone: Using your phone during meetings or conversations can be seen as disrespectful and unprofessional. Put your phone on silent and avoid checking it while in meetings or conversations.

  4. Being Disrespectful: Being disrespectful to coworkers or clients can harm your professional relationships and even cost you business opportunities. Always be polite and respectful to everyone.

  5. Forgetting Names: Forgetting someone's name can be awkward and embarrassing. Take the time to learn people's names and use them in conversations.

  6. Dressing Inappropriately: Dressing inappropriately for a business meeting or event can give a negative impression of you and your company. Dress professionally and appropriately for the occasion.

  7. Talking Too Much: Talking too much in meetings or conversations can make you come across as self-centered or not interested in others' opinions. Make sure to listen attentively and allow others to speak.

  8. Not Following Up: Not following up after a meeting or conversation can be seen as unprofessional and even rude. Always follow up with a thank-you email or phone call to show that you appreciate their time.

  9. Eating Loudly: Eating loudly or with your mouth open is considered rude in any situation. If you are eating during a meeting or event, make sure to do so quietly and discreetly.

  10. Not Responding to Emails: Not responding to emails in a timely manner can be frustrating and unprofessional. Always try to respond within 24 hours, even if it's just to acknowledge receipt of the email.

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